Twelve Christmas Narratives
Narrative #05
This handsome young man is my oldest son he is now 44 years of age. It appears he is having a good time with his grandfather and uncle during a Christmas get together what seems like forever ago. Some would say I keep to many images - his eyes are closed, the image is blurry, it should have been discarded long ago. My images are my memories, they are like a post it note index to my brain. Had they been abandon, their would be pages missing from my journal. I remember this scene because of this image and the other post notes I have kept safe, without which it would have long been forgotten. What appears to be an unimportant, inconsequential image of today - could be the your most valuable possession tomorrow.

Narrative #05
This handsome young man is my oldest son he is now 44 year s of age. It appears he is having a good time with his grandfather........