Twelve Christmas Narratives
Narrative #06
This cute little boy has grown into a handsome young man with a cute little boy of his own. I am thankful for 2 great sons, their beautiful wives and 3 grandkids ( soon to be 4 ). Both my boys have grown to understand that if you really want something you are going to have to work for it. When my father thought I was wishing for something to be easy, he would tell me " Wish in one hand and Sweat in the other - see which one fills up first ". We always try to give our children what they need - this is the time of year we give greater deliberation to all the things they want. There are people in the world who are given nothing they need and are happy. There are those that have everything they want and still want more. Betwixt these contradictory poles - " need " and " want " become nebulous - some will covet the toy, others will play with the box. Who shall we allow to decide how much is too much ?

Narrative #06
This cute little boy has grown into a handsome young man with a cute little boy of his own........

Narrative #05
This handsome young man is my oldest son he is now 44 years of age. It appears he is having a good time with his grandfather........