Twelve Christmas Narratives
Narrative #10
When I was a kid, most of the time we would go to my grandparents New York farm in the summer, for what ever time we could stay there - many great childhood memories. Every few years we would pack up the car and make the journey for Christmas. In those days it was about an 18 hour drive - always seemed like that and Moore. Mom, Dad, and six boys were packed inside the car, Dad would spend the night before we left tying all the luggage on the top of the car. In the summer this would also include 6 bikes on top of the luggage. This was a winter trip, so no bikes, but this car could still be in some movie about a family vacation.

Narrative #10
When I was a kid, most of the time we would go to my grandparents New York farm in the summer, for what ever time we could stay there - many great childhood memories......

Narrative #09
Each evening around 9 pm I journey out into my neighborhood for my dog walk. Sophie and I average about a mile a night - rain, snow, sleet, or hail....